Square Peg ● Round Hole







Powerful Quiet

Powerful Quiet

When I was a child, I can remember others using the “silent treatment” as a way to punish someone when they were mad at them.   It was an infuriating punishment that really didn’t accomplish anything……but then again, we were children.   I...


After God gave me a little nudge to work on my craft, I have been participating in a weekly workshop complete with sharing pieces that are raw and unedited.   I find it invigorating and very therapeutic for my writer’s soul.    Our assignment this week was to...
The Glimpse

The Glimpse

It is a parent’s prerogative to gush about their kids.   They are our shining light and even when the tough stuff arises, there is simply nothing better than seeing your kids happy, successful, and thriving.   Bryce went through a stint where he really...
Cliff Diving

Cliff Diving

So, today we are back on our regular schedule after several days of being “snow” bound, which is funny because there really wasn’t that much snow.    Ironically, while everyone else is casually enjoying their Monday, I headed to the store to...
What’s So Funny?

What’s So Funny?

Well, I survived the snowstorm 2016.  I say “survived”  because I have yet to commit bodily harm to my family and we got maybe four inches of snow.   The last few days of home incarceration or “snow days” as people keep referring to, have been...