Square Peg ● Round Hole







Open Door Policy

Open Door Policy

If there is one thing I know it is the knowledge that doors are constantly opening….maybe not in my timing or what I would expect, but they are opening.   So, I gave a speech at Bailey’s graduation which really helped identify the benefits of his...
Life Chances

Life Chances

If I take anything away from life it would be that it is constantly changing.  Nothing, and I mean nothing stays the same.  If you try to maintain your consistency, then you become stuck.  As a parent, the metamorphosis of our children happens second by second.  There...
The Moment

The Moment

It has been almost a week since I have written this blog.  Mostly, I felt limited in my thought process as I try to rebound from my knee surgery.   While there has been improvement and I have somewhat resumed my activities, I am still in the process of healing.   This...
The Struggle

The Struggle

As I approach the three week mark of having my surgery, I realize that I am frustrated.  Frustrated that even the most basic task is painful.    Frustrated that I am not farther along in my recovery.    This morning after going to Kroger, I let my emotions be...
Mother’s Day……Again?

Mother’s Day……Again?

If you remember my Mother’s Day blog last year, you might guess that I am on the same path.  If you don’t remember, let me just summarize……..we really don’t need a commercial day designated to the sole purpose of creating unrealistic...