Square Peg ● Round Hole







The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story

There is a degree of annoyance as I peruse social media mainly due to incredibly gullible people who are in the mindset that life is a virtual bowl of chocolate with an unlimited supply.   Let me explain.   For the last year, normally around the holidays, fairly...


I pride myself on remembering pivotal obligations that the boys have even if I don’t have it written down.  I can’t remember why I walked into a room, but if it has to do with my offspring, then I have the memory of an elephant.   Except for yesterday. ...
It’s The Little Things

It’s The Little Things

I appreciate a kind gesture just like anyone else.   It shows a generous heart.  Most days I am a grateful recipient, unless the gesture involves an extremely large bag of popcorn leftover from a local movie theater.  Let me explain.  Someone...


I have been reconstructing my health regiment for the last few weeks.  Six to be exact, in an effort to be more fit, have less jiggle, all with the hope that the scale won’t cry whenever I stand on it.   In the past, I might have given up when I didn’t...

Something Happened On The Way

Let me state that I used to hate football.  I couldn’t understand the fascination of people dressed in bulky uniforms hurling themselves on the field in hopes of catching an odd shaped ball.  The novelty was lost on me.  I grew up with a deep appreciation for...