Square Peg ● Round Hole







Fan Girl

Okay, I am usually quite composed, at least on the outside, but today I am bubbling with excitement over the chance to be in the presence of my favorite writer, David Sedaris.    A few months ago, while waiting for my right of passage as a newly inducted member of the...
The Double D’s

The Double D’s

Disappointment and discouragement met me as I started my day.   My health regiment with an eye on losing weight and toning isn’t going my way.   I have tweaked and tweaked some more until I am tweaked out.   But, what happened an hour later was a true miracle in...
Just Another Day

Just Another Day

On Friday, I called my Mom to check in with her.   It rang and rang and rang until the voice mail came on indicating that I could leave a message.  I didn’t.   I wasn’t too concerned as she does like to nap or quite possibly the television volume was up so...


I will admit it……there may be a burning desire to question why everything is catered to the millennial generation (born 1977 -1995).   Being a strong member of generation X (born 1965 to 1976), I am baffled.  As I try to connect with various writing...
Dead on arrival

Dead on arrival

As I write, my phone is in three parts – battery,  the backing and the front – are strewed on my sofa along with my day planner and a host of crap that is helping me write a 1500 word article due tomorrow.   My phone has decided after two years of constant...