Square Peg ● Round Hole







Stop Talking

Stop Talking

There are certain social situations that continue to baffle me. We’ve all been there. You meet someone for the first time or possibly they are an acquaintance. The small talk starts and then, like a ninja, you are trapped in a long dissertation of something that...
The Dinner

The Dinner

“Would you and Brian be willing to take us to dinner?”  This was the question my 87 year old mother asked me a few weeks ago in regards to one of her longtime friends coming to town.   Of course I agreed even though it might have been the last thing I...
Hurry Up

Hurry Up

My first day in a committed relationship with a writing schedule went well.  Sure, I got a little overwhelmed with character development.  Oh, and I got a headache from thinking too much, but as a whole, I would like to believe that I am on the right path.  When I...
What the Funk?

What the Funk?

Unknowingly, I have slipped into some sort of abyss.   Actually, being truly honest, I  probably was aware of the slow immersion, but most recently have felt as if I were in some sort of quicksand.  This is the journey of finding myself.  At 51, I am trying to figure...
Zip It

Zip It

I abhor obnoxious individuals who solicit advice during athletic events.   While I love to scream “get him, get him” or “run, run” during football games, you will not hear me say unkind words.  Sure, I might ask the referee if he needs the...