Square Peg ● Round Hole







The Day After

The Day After

My bones are tired. My body feels like it was run over by a small army of horses and I am exhausted. But, it was all worth it. The wedding of my nephew and his beautiful bride is in the books and what a party it was. We danced and danced and danced some more. We...
The Outcome

The Outcome

I know that you all have barely been able to sleep wondering how this dress situation would work out for the family wedding we are attending today. Well, I am proud to say that I lit that bitch up. Or in layman’s terms, I found the one or quite possibly, two. My...
The Triangle

The Triangle

I don’t know about you, but I detest triangular communication. You know, when someone tells you to tell someone else something that they could easily share directly. Are you confused? Exactly. It is like the adult version of the telephone game that I used to...
The Complaint Department

The Complaint Department

Yesterday, I was typing away on my book-in-progress when the telephone rang. Normally, I ignore it when I am in the groove but the caller ID revealed it was the agency that supplies my mother’s caregiver. When I see the name on the display, it is like having a...
The Advantage

The Advantage

Last night, I met with my soul sister aka writer friend, who is keeping me on task, and generously taking time to read the first draft of my novel. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I find myself eager to see how this book ends. As I continue to travel the journey of...