Square Peg ● Round Hole







Today, my “bonus” father passed away.  It was a peaceful transition and for that I am grateful.    I am covered in a blanket of sadness, but aware of the blessings that have come.  As a non blood relative, I am on the sidelines as plans are made.  I am so blessed to have had two wonderful men in my life that love me unconditionally.  Both my father and my “bonus” father were loving and compassionate men who gave me great happiness.   I was honored to have taken care of both of these men during illnesses and transitioning them to a wonderful great beyo

As I look back, it is with great fondness.  My “bonus” father treated me and my family as his own.   He was funny, stubborn, but most of all generous.  He had big heart that held all of us close.  

Being a “bonus” daughter is difficult at a time like this.  I want to be careful not to overstep any boundaries, but I also want to be of service to his children.   Taking one moment at a time is the only thing I can do.   The best part is not having any regrets with the relationships in my life.  The ending of life is simply a new chapter.   I am truly blest.