Square Peg ● Round Hole







The Circus

The Circus

Today is 9/11. I really don't need to explain anything beyond that. People got up that morning as they always did. Hurrying to their jobs. Dropping kids off at school. It was just like any other day except it wasn't. Our landscape was forever changed that day. What...

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What would life look like if everyone realized that nothing that people do or say is about you? That is pretty amazing. Almost mind-blowing because, you see, we are egotistical humans, so we take everything personally. You know the guy that just cut you off in traffic...

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The Recall

The Recall

When I was younger, I was so envious of The Jetsons, because of their flying cars. Can you imagine? Flying to your destination. No road construction. Just the open air to fly to your heart's content. I was naive back then and didn't know that if people are horrible...

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I have always wondered what it would be like to be famous. Would everyone knowing your name be annoying? Would the attention grow wearier under the spotlight? I haven't reached that level, but the encounter at my orthopedic practice gave me pause. My mother-in-law...

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Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

Recently I followed a little God nudge and started to volunteer with Hosparus. This isn't something I decided on a whim, but I will say I was surprised at the direction God took me. My experience with this organization left an imprint on me. In June, I committed to...

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While other adults in their 50s are close to or are currently living the life of an empty nester, I am still driving a twenty-nine year old with Down syndrome back and forth to various activities, appointments, well, everything. Please don't think I am complaining....

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Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall

I think it is human nature to want to be included. To be considered. To be a priority. If you find yourself in this type of situation where none of those things occur, do you continue to force that relationship? Sometimes, I have to meet people where they are and drop...

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If we are going to continue to have a relationship, I need to be honest with you. Do you remember last week where I shared that we are currently car sharing because Brian's mode of transportation has been in the shop for three weeks? Remember how I said that I was in...

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The Chauffeur

The Chauffeur

Two weeks ago, Brian dropped his Kia off for service. Air Conditioning was not working and considering it is the temperature of hell, it was vital that it gets repaired. Currently, we are a one car family. Why? Because not only was the A/C needing a little TLC, but...

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