Square Peg ● Round Hole







The “artic vortex” is upon our fair city.   Dangerous wind chills deliver a scary realization for those of individuals who make their living or actual live amongst the elements.   Social media has provided a stage for those certain people who constantly complain above the chill in the air or the hype that the media promotes, however, as I prepared my morning coffee in the warmth of my comfortable home, I gained perspective.  

I suppose that sometimes it is more comfortable for people to complain because the reality is so uncomfortable.  It is easy for me to go about my day without considering the blessings that have been bestowed on me.  Taking for granted the mere comforts that others lack.  Today, I will be mindful of those people who are homeless, pets who don’t have an advocate and are left outside to freeze, or the workers whose jobs demand exposure to the chill.   Prayers will be sent to them while I focus on the fact that spring will be here soon and people will begin to complain about something else.   Today, I have gained perspective on how trivial my petty complaints stack up in the grand scheme of life.