Square Peg ● Round Hole







I am sure when you read the title you might think that I am referring to a designated driver, but I am referring to the ever popular dysfunctional dynamic.    One of my new year’s intentions is to rid or distance myself from those relationships that exude toxicity.   Some are very close dynamics that could shift other relationships, similar to a game of dominos.   It is my goal, to only be surrounded by genuine individuals who not only talk the talk, but walk the walk.  In other words, those people that can show me their intentions by their actions.

It is unfortunate, that I must do some spring cleaning of sorts, but for my own peace of mind, I no longer have time for those people who use up my energy with their nonsense.   I am grateful that in the last few years,  most of those toxic relationships have dwindled, but a few remain.  It is up to me to set the tone for what I am willing and unwilling to accept.  Grateful, that today, I have the awareness, courage, and love for myself, to do it different.