I woke up with pains in my chest and a lump in my throat. Today, I register my baby for high school. The same kid, who for the first three years of his life, didn’t sleep and when it came time to drop him off at kindergarten, I barely stopped the car. The anticipation of getting a nap far outweighed his first day of school. Today is different. For one, he sleeps now and two, he is taking a huge step into his future. Walking through the door of destiny. Yes, I sound overly dramatic, but you see, I am not the mom who mourns them going back to school or losing a tooth or even outgrowing their clothes. I am the mom who loves the next step in the journey. Don’t get me wrong the sadness is real, but there are underlying components.
The writing is on the wall. The pink slip has been written. My job as mother is quickly approaching a change in job responsibilities. Although, I will always be a the mother of all mothers (insert snarky laugh), it is really role reversal. I am finding I need both of my boys more than they require my assistance. This is a wonderful example of the fine job Brian and I did parenting. They are self-sufficient, composed, smart, compassionate, well, the list goes on, young men. I couldn’t be more proud. With that being said, I simply need more time to process the change. Change is hard, but the only constant we have in our lives is change. I guess I need to put my granny panties on and get ready because this a the ride of a lifetime.
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