Square Peg ● Round Hole







As the sun begins to trickle through the window, I sit, content with a purring cat and my breakfast smoothie.  The day has begun with kids and hubby off to conquer the world or at least, a small chunk of it.   It is a luxury, I am aware, to be the leader in my own band.  I make my own schedule and have a dream job.  Working from home allows me the freedom to pursue other endeavors while I still honor my commitment to my editor.

I do have those days where finding a descriptive word for a piece of furniture escapes me or I struggle to even start my article simply because I lack motivation.  Those days are scattered.  I can a take a sick day, vacation day, or a personal day whenever I feel the need.  There is no one to call.  I don’t take this lightly. As I approach the anniversary of beginning to write my column, I peer back to the last several years on how this job fell in my lap and how gratifying, if not inspirational it has been.

The people I meet become friends and if not friends, they share a small scene in my theatrical production that is my life.   My job doesn’t involve writing about someone’s home decor, it is deeper than that.   It is the interaction of people telling me their story and in return, I am inspired.