Square Peg ● Round Hole







It always amazes me, how you can hear a message from a complete stranger that speaks volumes. As a freelance writer, my featured column is all about beautiful homes.  My interview process is always enlightening and enjoyable.  The people are gracious and welcoming.  There are moments where the tables are turned and I get interviewed.  It isn’t uncommon for me to spend hours chatting with these wonderful individuals.  A one hour interview can last two hours simply because there is a connection.   There are no coincidences.   People are placed strategically in my path either to help me learn something or, in some cases, for me to share a lesson with them.

My part is that I need to be aware and present for those moments or I may miss something.   I am mindful in my exchanges.   Most recently, I met a woman that shared a life altering event where she explained that she is thoughtful about taking moments at a slower pace.  It was exactly what I needed to hear, as I tend to race around with complete tunnel vision.  As I left her presence, I began to realize that my life is just a small piece of the world puzzle.   Listening allows me to absorb valuable information that water the seed to my evolving spirit.  Sometimes, what I need to share is not nearly as important as what I need to hear.