Square Peg ● Round Hole







Since Bryce has started his trainer gig for his high school football team, I am in the unfortunate position of watching and actually learning about football.   I was thrilled when he showed no interest in grade school.   Even with the fact that I find the sport barbaric, it eased my mind that I wouldn’t have to worry about unnecessary injures.  Okay, I digress, but I do have a point, I promise.

As I sit in the stands, I am learning the lingo.  False start is one term that stands out.  It really does’t speak football to me, instead it is a life term.    Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear an announcer’s voice when you have started your day off poorly,  “FALSE START…..Allison Jones.” ?   You laugh, but there are days when it would be most helpful.

It really is a reminder to me, that I can start my day off on the wrong note, and rewind it and start over again.   I don’t have to accept that the entire day is going to be a pile of poop.  It really is up to me to set the tone for the day.

While I am not eager to learn more about football, I am willing to admit that the term “false start” resonates with me.