Square Peg ● Round Hole







Living grateful is the essence of a tranquil existence. Every morning I wake up with a feeling of gratitude.  Waking up, in my opinion, is something to be thankful for and to never take for granted.  In fact, I spend the majority of my day in a mode of thankfulness.  It is so easy for us to be in such a hurry, that we forget to stop and be aware of the blessings that are all around us.  Life happens, so I am in no way saying that I do this perfectly.  What I am saying is that gratitude, if I am open to it, lifts me up and allows me to spread that to the people around me.

I don’t ignore the reality that there is something more powerful in the universe that provides me with all the amazing things that happen to me.  I look around and stand in awe of my life.   It may seem odd, but I even say “thank you” when something is difficult.  God is providing me with an opportunity to learn and grow.   While I might not feel the gratitude at that moment, I will in the end.

While in a state of gratitude, I am able to really focus on all the good which spills into every aspect of my life. It is more about the action than merely saying the words. If my mind is clouded with negativity, I focus on five things I am grateful for, which, in turn, alleviates the murkiness of negative thinking.  As John F. Kennedy once said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.”