Square Peg ● Round Hole







Recently, I have been asked if I have shared with those I am “emotionally cleansing” from an explanation of my reasoning. AH……NO.   Here is the reason, well, there is no reason, as I don’t need one.   You see, my cleanse is my business.

Emotionally detaching from these toxic relationships is really a credit to me.   By being more aware and honest with my feelings, it provides me with all the information that I need to take the next step.  Part of the process, too, is taking an inventory of my part in the relationship.  By stepping back, I alleviate my part and allow myself to pursue those relationships that envelop me with goodness, inspire me, and most of all, provide me with a safe haven.

Self-care doesn’t require an explanation to anyone.   If those individuals are uncomfortable, then that is on them.  I am only responsible for me and my actions.  Self preservation is my business.  It doesn’t mean I don’t care for these people, it merely means that I care about myself more.