Someone recently compared the inside of their head to a dim light bulb. That image resonated with me as most of the time, my mind mimics a dark tunnel. Last blog, I wrote about making decisions. My thoughtful process sometimes hinders the outcome, but today, my light bulb grew bright.
I have been wrestling with a decision that would involve me in a situation where I don’t necessarily feel comfortable. It borders on an issue of trust. Sometimes, lack of forgiveness or resentment can cloud me. In those cases, I made decisions based on feelings. Feelings are feelings. They are not facts. Generally, though my “gut” provides a sufficient indicator of what I should do. During this process, I made lists, talked to others, and prayed.
By listening to other share their experiences, I came to the conclusion that this particular offer wasn’t right for me. I need to be true to myself first and working others agenda isn’t what inspires me. So, the decision was made and executed. I have blessed the opportunity. Grateful it came my way as it allowed me to really pause and make a decision that works for me.
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