Two of my greatest accomplishments are my boys. Simply put, they make me a better person. It’s funny, through all the sleepless nights, chaotic schedules, brotherly bickering, and everything else that encompasses motherhood, I am in motherly bliss. It’s is so easy to get caught up in what I presume is exhausting, but as we rode home last night after Bailey’s Special Olympics basketball game, I floated in a state of realization. Realizing that our time with just the four of us is dwindling. That each moment I share with my boys is changing and memory making.
Listening to them argue and enjoying their rather boisterous exchanges brings me contentment. It isn’t like I am losing my children, but rather they are transitioning to a different stage in their lives. I see of a lot of Brian and my characteristics shine through them. And while some of their behaviors grate on my last nerves, I am reminded that each moment with them is a gift. One of my greatest and most fulfilling jobs is and always be that of their Mom.
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