Square Peg ● Round Hole







My family just arrived home from a week in Florida.   I was giddy in anticipation of their arrival.  While I enjoyed my week of solitude, I missed their faces, hugs, and well, their annoying habits.

I take for granted that they will always be around to make me laugh or annoy the hell out of me.   The house is alive with laughter and the screaming of one of the boys telling the other to “shut up”.  I smile as Brian complains that the pillows I selected for our downstairs sofa, don’t fit “his man cave”.   My time out confirmed my gratitude for having this not-so-perfect family who love me despite my flaws.  We are quirky together and quite inappropriate at times, but we are the perfect blend of humor and sensitivity.

Sometimes a change of scenery is all that is needed to appreciate the elements that shape our lives.