Square Peg ● Round Hole







It isn’t hard to miss.  Those individuals who give back to people in tremendous ways.   It is easy to think that we can never make an important impact.  Why do we think that doing something that is small isn’t as impacting on others as a large scale act?    It doesn’t take a grand gesture to make a difference.   A simple act of kindness can shift a person’s mood, their outlook, and their attitude.   Don’t ignore what is going on around you. Instead take the action to make a difference.

Recently, I have taken on a community outreach project for an organization that caters to developmentally disabled individuals.   By simply reaching out to my peers, I have groups of people who feel the calling to help.  It doesn’t take much to make a movement.   The end result is the feeling of gratitude for the experience and the change within for having participated.  Like the saying goes, people don’t remember you for what you say, they remember you for what you do.

Contributing to my community expands my world.  It brings me beauty which is the seed of hope within all of us.  It allows me to see the world as God intended me to see it.   This world is not tainted.  It is full of inspiring sparks that ignite my willingness to reach out and do something.