Square Peg ● Round Hole







So, Brian and I are going to Italy in October.  It is interesting the steps we are taking to get to that destination are very similar to how I proceed in life.   I am a great fan of lists.  The more lists I make, the more control I feel, but like anything else, control is an illusion.  While I am planning this trip, there are always the unknowns.  As in life, planning is merely a gesture.  The reality is the actual outcome is not something I have been planning in my head.

Let’s set the record straight.  Planning is necessary, but I have to be willing to expect the unexpected.    Rigidly planning my life doesn’t provide an opening for the offerings that life can bring.   Life is an excellent adventure that can lead me to undiscovered blessings. I enjoy the feeling that my planning is in a meditative form.  Focusing on the details, but not allowing my thoughts to be controlled.   Gliding on a lazy river with endless opportunities laid out before me.   Those can be missed if I am too focused on what I think I should be experiencing versus what I am meant to experience.

So while I am planning my dream trip, I am very mindful that as long as I plan with flexibility and delight in my vision, then I will be open to all the possibilities.    Still a work in progress, indeed!