Square Peg ● Round Hole







If you have been following my blog, I have been talking a lot about my emotional cleanse.  It has been a process of self-discovery and shifts in relationships.    The process is an ongoing search to continue to live an inspired life.  What I have found is that I still have a lot of work to do.   The last few days have been eye-opening for me.  A realization that despite how far I have come, opportunities will still present themselves for me to learn from.

The tool testers, as I refer to them, have not changed.   I am realistic enough to know that they probably won’t.  There are triggers with these individuals that have heightened my awareness.  It might sound odd, but I am grateful for these tool testers. They provide me with ample opportunities to continue the hard work that I began over six months ago.

The focal point of this process is me.    If I allow them to invade my peaceful space, then I have given my power away.   I am powerless over people, but I am not powerless over my choices, my thoughts, or my actions.   Fully engaged, I seek to live my life with purpose and peace.