Square Peg ● Round Hole







Often, I am a easily distracted from my primary purpose of living an inspired life.  It is human nature to drift off into the more trivial aspects of life and become consumed.   Sometimes it takes a life alerting event or simply a break from my routine to jolt me back.   I appreciate my life.  Truly, it suits me perfectly.

When I am on vacation, I am kind of a creature of habit.  I enjoy trying to incorporate some of my regular routine into my relaxation time.  Nothing heavy, of course, just meditating and a little writing if I am so inspired.   The best part of taking a break from the trials of life is reconnecting with my family.

Last night was the conclusion of our first day on the island.   Each person was sort of off on their own until after dinner.   We had a family game night not to different from having one at home, but there were no obligations that distracted us from the game.   For two hours, we giggled (The boys probably will think that word is too feminine, but with all the man energy, I thrive on girly words.) and enjoyed this spirited game of UNO.  While this may seem like a pretty normal, family game night can be a challenge when you have a someone with an intellectual disability in the midst.    However, Bailey ended up winning more than me and talked a lot of good trash.   By the end of the night, we talked about playing again.  This was a great wrap up of the night since the beginning of the day involved some tired and cranky teenagers.

Family connections are the root of our unit.  Sometimes we just need a time-out to remember it.   It is becoming more apparent that as the boys grow older, these opportunities will be few and far between.    It is right now that I grab on to each moment and to be fully present.