Square Peg ● Round Hole







This morning I ventured outside and immersed myself in the warmth of the sun and the wind tickling my face. I was really appreciating the beauty and the tranquility.  Fast forward fifteen minutes later, and I am a raving lunatic.  You see, it happens.   It’s called the roller coaster ride of life.

I was feeling very content.   My piping hot bowl of caffeine coupled with the newspaper provided all the necessary tools to relax and enjoy my morning.   That is until I noticed something odd.  My column appears on the Saturday edition of our local paper.   For those of you unfamiliar, it is a light and airy feature of home decor.   I love every aspect of the details that come together for this piece.  That is until the beautiful home’s location was revealed……in every photo.   Like being punched in the stomach, my breath left my body and all I could think of were my gracious homeowners that trusted me.

Instantly, I went from tranquil to frantically extinguishing fires.  Readers sending me emails questioning my ethics, contacting the homeowners to soothe their concerns, and alerting my editor.  After all that, I realized that I am completely powerless.   Mistakes happen. Unfortunately, this was a pretty big one that was completely out of my realm of control.   I keep going over and over in my head if I could have done anything different.  Fortunately, the homeowners have been very understanding, but I still feel that tug of responsibility. I feel like I let them down and betrayed their trust.

Now, I am trying to compose myself.  Regaining some sort of peace as I move forward with my day and knowing that this too shall pass.    I think I will go back outside and commune with nature.  That should be safe, right?