Square Peg ● Round Hole







It is that time of the year where transition is at its peak.   Graduations create a path toward the future.  It’s easy to get caught up in the reminiscing of the past along with projecting into the future, but sometimes we simply want to hit the pause button.   As I watch some very close friends walk through the process, I am reminded how time doesn’t pause.  It proceeds at a pace that is hard to keep up with, let alone process.

Yesterday, I dropped off Bryce for his last full day of his freshman year in high school.   I grappled with how quickly the year has passed and all the amazing things that have happened for him.    With a great deal of sentiment, I watched the seniors file in for their awards ceremony, and felt a sense of loss combined with pride. I am reminded how important it is for me to grab every second as if it were my last.

It is such a reminder that while change is inevitable, a new “normal” emerges.   Walking by my friends whose children are leaping out into the world of new opportunities, challenges, and their own lives, is a reminder that letting them go can be scary and heart wrenching, but it can also be a cause for celebration.  After all, look at  the amazing human being that has evolved.

I will lend a supportive ear, hugs, and be handy with the Kleenex because in a few short years, I will be at that place of letting go and watching a wonderful human being take flight into some great adventures.