Have you ever had a day where you simply bask in the perfection of it? Yesterday was that kind of day for me. My community outreach project that I facilitated reached completion and it was featured on a local new show. All those who worked tirelessly to help create an haven for eight special needs women gathered to celebrate this new home. It truly made my heart smile. It also made me realize that even the tiniest act of kindness has a ripple effect.
I think we all look around our communities and the world at large wondering how one person can make a difference. When this project was just an idea floating in the air, I could feel the excitement brewing and I knew this endeavor would be a game changer for me. With the help of countless individuals, this home was transformed into a functional and fun living space for these inspirational women. It reminded me that good deeds, even small ones, can shift one’s perception and make a huge difference.
I guess my point is that you don’t have to be rich, you don’t have to be well-known, you just need to be willing. Willing to hold on to the possibilities even when there are road blocks. Willing to ride the course even when there are bumps in the road. It truly was a life lesson for me that when there is a question of help there is always the answer of yes. So, yesterday, was a very good day and I am still smiling.
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