Square Peg ● Round Hole







The best part of my day is the end.  I love the downtime after dinner when all the chores are done.  The Bassets and I are snuggled in my bed while the rest of the family does what they need to do to finish their day.    It is the exhale that I made it.  I made it through the day with minimal damage to myself and others.   I recap each moment to account for anything that I may owe an amends for and I log the ideas that my imagination is offering me.   It is a time that I look forward to as a way of giving myself a pat on the back for another day in the books.    It takes courage to live in a world full of uncertainty.

I often define courage as the ability to simply show up even when life isn’t going smoothly.  It is the act of merely being present even when our insides aren’t in sync with the outside world.    I watch in awe at those around me who are suffering – either emotional, physical, or a combination of the two – continue to show up.  They spread their inspiration whether they are aware of it or not.    Those are the heroes that walk among us.   More importantly, they don’t allow those difficulties to define them.  That, my friends, is courage.

As I wrap up each day, I am mindful of those people and realize that I, too, live in the light of courage.   We all have our battles.  By not allowing ourselves to be defeated by our struggles and learning from them allows us to be the light for those living in darkness.   Sometimes it takes getting out of ourselves to really illuminate the world.