Square Peg ● Round Hole







Part of being a parent is the observation of our children learning powerful lessons.   Now that Bryce has a job, drives, and navigates his life pretty well, I can take a backseat to most of the happenings in his life…..until last night.

Yesterday, marked the first day of spring practice for his high school football team.  He had let his boss know that he will be unable to work during the week for the next three weeks.   When he worked on Saturday night, it appeared that the schedule was clear.  After returning from practice, he received a frantic call from his boss wondering why he hadn’t shown up for work.  Here is where the lesson begins….

Apparently, his name was on the schedule and Bryce had seen it, but assumed that his boss would take it off as they had an agreement that he would not be working. Bryce went in to work, grumbling, annoyed, and truly pissed off about the situation.  What I pointed out to him was this…….always present things in writing, if your name is on the schedule it is your responsibility to either find a replacement or alert your boss of the error, and be accountable for your part.

With that being said, he came home with the situation resolved, a better attitude, and the realization that being your own advocate is an important skill.   I love that he is seeing the world from a different perspective and open to learning to navigate the obstacles.  Seeing that he is taking ownership makes cutting the apron strings a little easier.