Square Peg ● Round Hole







I was told that I this week would be the spark for my writing process.  The ability to disconnect from the routine and reconnect with nature and my family will be the catalyst in my creative process.  I must say that despite our rocky start with being rear-ended yesterday (no damage or injuries) and my chaotic mindset, I feel my shift happening after a restorative sleep.

All it takes for me is the sound of the rushing waves and the sun illuminating the sky, to have a moment where I realize that there is something bigger than me.  I am merely a tiny contribution to this vast world.  For me to simply sit and write is a luxury.  Sure, my job requires writing, but I don’t have the freedom to  simply invent a story or share an experience.  These are the moments I cherish.   Soaking up the ambiance of an oceanfront view with my humorous family is a gift.

Sure, it is easy to see how wonderful life is when you are on vacation.  Life flows without obstacles. Worries are left until you come home and everyone is in a wonderful mood.   What I am realizing is that I am actually starting to carry this feeling of exhalation with me even when the routine becomes stagnate and there is only the view of my backyard to appease me.   It is all about my ability to see the vacation in the everyday occurrences.

This month is full of life moments with Bailey turning twenty-one and Bryce becoming a licensed driver.  I am aware of the fleeting passages and my ability to live them instead of trying to pause them.   Being fully present has helped change my perspective from “I wish this moment would never end” to “I am so grateful for this moment”.    It is a shift and my willingness to not limit my view.