Square Peg ● Round Hole







There has been a lot of change evolving in our home.  From one kid getting his driver’s license to the other approaching his graduation from vocational school, I am acknowledging the opportunity of letting go.  There is a lot of trust and faith that goes into being a parent.   Once your kid gets behind the wheel, pulls out of the driveway, it is the fast realization that the end of one journey is approaching while the beginning of a new “normal” will soon begin.

I have not shed any tears this week as I cut more of the cord connecting me to my kids.   Of course, Bailey will always need me, but there are tiny glimpses of even him, moving away from the safety of our little nest.   As I watched Bryce leave for work yesterday, I kept my shit together.  Surprisingly, my only real feeling was relief.  You see, we have been waiting twenty-one years for another driver, so this milestone is actually a welcome one.  The only real tug I had was when he forgot to text me that he got to work safely.   So, what do all sane mothers do?  I had my nephew drive by and check the parking lot for my car.   Yep, instinctively, I knew he got there, but I needed the affirmation.   This parent thing is really complicated.

I guess what I am really saying is that while our nest is getting closer to being empty, I am acknowledging that my boys have turned out pretty good.   They are kind, considerate (most of the time), and are happy in their own lives.  What more could a parent want, right?    Well, a pause button would be nice, just to slow the pace down, but other than that this mom is embracing every moment and slowly, letting go.  That my friends takes a lot of courage.  Wish I could buy that in bulk at Costco.