Square Peg ● Round Hole







My greeting to people around me is that I am not currently spiritual fit.  By that I mean I don’t play well with others, at this moment.    The recovery period for any type of surgery is a slow re-entry into the world.    As I have shared, I am not a very compliant patient and my expectations are all over the place.   What happens when I am a hot mess is that I allow things to invade my sacred space.

I have always been open about my “not having opinions about outside issues”, but today I got my panties into a wad over a program that one of our politicians actively cut that advocates for those with intellectual disabilities.  Of course, that is in issue near and dear to my heart, plus, like I stated, I am not in a zen state of mind.   With that being said, I am horrified and disappointed at how we actively bully each other on social media.   Our system is corrupt, but instead of turning on those very individuals who are the core of the issue, we turn on each other.   Pointing fingers and blaming one another for the vote they cast or the opinion that they may have.

Interestingly enough, I love being right…..and happy.    Unfortunately, I have learned that the two can’t really coexist.    Everyone should be able to express their opinion free of judgment.  Isn’t that what we tell our children?   It is amusing to me that we are so concerned over the next generation when my generation is full of political savages out to point out the weak and arm themselves with arrogant propaganda geared to put fear in all of us.

A friend of mine got me a card and it sums up my feelings perfectly:   “I like to meditate, chant, and do yoga and I still want to smack someone.”       I just really want to try and understand, but the reality is our whole world is running on fear, and that just makes for an explosive situation.