Square Peg ● Round Hole







Living in a town that celebrates the greatest two minutes in sports for a solid two weeks, it’s hard not to feel a sense of pride, joy, and a touch of sadness.   I bet the last word surprised you, but with two weeks into my recovery from having my meniscus removed from my knee, I feel like the kid not invited to the party.   Now, it isn’t as though I haven’t been invited to parties and such, but it is more the feeling that I am missing out on something, which is funny because I am really not missing anything.

The recovery process is a slow moving situation.   Some days are better than others, but what I am seeking is the ability to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments.    I compare each day to the day before to gauge my progress.    I am grateful for the ability to walk without assistance and to resume some of my typical activities.   I guess the biggest thing that I am learning about myself is the ability of becoming more accepting of the situation.  Even though the process is moving slower than I had hoped it would, there is a glimmer that I am getting back to being myself.

Maybe it is cheesy, but I am recognizing that I should find something to celebrate everyday.    I think this surgery has been a kind of wake up call to the realization that I have it pretty good.   My support system is solid, I have a flexible job that allows me to meet the most amazing people, my kids are rock stars and my hubby continues to surprise me even after 27 years of being together.  These are all things to be grateful for and to celebrate.

I guess what I am realizing is that it is so easy to allow the challenging life moments to define the portrait of my life.    I tend to linger on those fleeting moments where life doesn’t sparkle instead of allowing myself to really enjoy the good stuff.   Both can quickly dissipate, but all must be celebrated.        It all comes down to me……attitude and a positive outlook are pivotal ingredients for a recipe of a delightful sugary, sweet concoction that I like to call a celebration.      Be bold and be brave, but mostly be grateful and then you won’t have time to do anything but celebrate your life.