Square Peg ● Round Hole







This weekend my family is spread in different directions and I am left alone.   It is liberating and yet, a bit disconcerting because I always feel that I MUST get something done. After all, there are no distractions.  No one needing anything.   It is silly and somewhat of a reminder that I have a lot of longings that are occupying  places on my bucket list.   However, those longings need to be tended to as if they were a blossoming garden and right now the garden is covering in a tangling web of weeds.

I long to be a writer.  (That may confuse you since I actually get paid to write a column.)  There more to the development of my craft.  The writer I want to be is someone who inspires, creates a legacy that helps others even if it is just one person.   I want to write a book, which I am working on, but like a garden, it will not progress if I don’t give it regular attention.

We all have dreams, wishes, longings that float around like bubbles.    Capturing our essence is an investment in time.    Time that shouldn’t be wasted on “what ifs” and “I can’t”.   So, maybe I will be frivolous with my weekend.  Or maybe I will do the things that I long to do, but have allowed myself to be pulled in other directions.    Whatever I decide, I will spend some time making sure that my longings don’t go unattended.