Square Peg ● Round Hole







It is so ironic that after months of preparing for my mother’s 85th birthday party, it is over so quickly.   Last night was a scene of perfection.  The weather was glorious, the people were full of love and gratitude for their relationship with her, and everything worked out just as it should even with a few hiccups.   Like the unexpected moment where my youngest dropped an entire tray of chicken salad sandwiches or the dog peeing on the carpet because I haven’t been as attentive to her.   Little blimps that really amount to nothing.

I guess the best part of it all was how much love radiated through the party.   Everyone deserves to be celebrated.  As I surveyed the room, it was amazing to me the collection of individuals present, and the void of those who are no longer with us.   Throughout the day, I was oddly aware of having multiple sightings of cardinals.  It is said that when you see them, it is a sign from a loved one.   So, there were moments where I truly felt like my father was hanging around, supporting me, and making sure I knew he is always enveloping me with his love.

As the party dwindled down, it was apparent that my mother is extremely lucky to be surrounded by this fantastic support system.    She has always valued her friendships and it shows.  The longevity of many of her relationships span decades.  She cultivates them with love, loyalty sprinkled with a sense of humor.   So, the party has ended, but my feeling of gratitude lingers.    Life is meant to be celebrated.