Finally, I am home relishing in my new knee and a shifted attitude. Words can’t describe the pain that I have endured for the last four months following the previous surgery. While horrific, it does provide perspective for this experience following my knee replacement. It shows me how even the slightest change can bring me the greatest triumph.
My attitude sucked the day after surgery because, well, I was in tremendous pain, nauseous, and wondered why the hell I had willingly gone and had my knee replaced. I cried. I prayed. I cried some more. Then I remembered what my doctor had said…..”this is going to be your worst day.” And he was right. Amazingly enough, I woke up yesterday feeling more like myself and ready to move forward.
I can’t say that I understand some of the rules for recovery. Like, I can’t shower for five days, but they want everyone who comes in contact with me, to wash their hands. Nothing could be as attractive as an unshowered 49 year old woman with compression socks on along bright yellow non skid socks with her dependable walker. Just to be clear, Sunday can’t come soon enough for this lady to shower.
It will be a journey to a full recovery with lots of stories to tell. In the meantime, I will be rocking my new fashion accessories like the Olympic athletes wear their medals.
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