Square Peg ● Round Hole







The last four weeks have felt like a whirlwind yet,  it seems as though it has been moving in slow motion.  Truth be told, I still have a long road to go, but the path is brighter.  While the journey has had its ebbs and flows, I could not have done it without my tribe.   A fantastic group of individuals who have shown up with meals, transportation, flowers, treats, and company, since being confined to my house was tedious to say the least.  Which brings me to my topic.

Every Saturday I have the distinct joy of sharing my love of writing with a friend.  We have a prompt that we work on the week prior and submit our assignment to each other and then we converse about the inner workings of the topic.   It is refreshing, nurturing and very beneficial to have that to look forward to each week.   The topic this week was in regards to a thank you of sorts pertaining to a relationship and the lessons learned.  Interestingly enough while I have a tremendous support system, I tend to turn to those relationships that didn’t work out and provided a reality check.

When I ventured on my spiritual cleanse over a year ago, it ruffled feathers, but it was necessary for my own growth potential.    The union wasn’t always toxic and I took away many wonderful things that this person provided.  One of which was the wonderful example that was shown to me when I was in the throes of living in active alcoholism and allowing me to find my own way of renewing my inner being.   I could go on and on with the goodness provided before I decided to love from a distance.  My point is that despite the emotional ups and downs of dealing with other people, there is always something positive to reflect on and by honoring what that means, it allows me to move on with no regrets.  Most of all, it gives me deep appreciation for the chance to improve on me and how I navigate relationships.  I guess the gratitude lies in each person I meet as there is a growth opportunity everywhere I look.