I keep residing in the euphoric moment of Tuesday night. It was euphoric because I didn’t vomit, fall on the stage, or stare blankly at my audience. I spoke my truth with conviction. That is brave. Please don’t confuse my words with stroking my ego, but rather a testament to being able to be authentic and transparent. In other words, I just opened the door and invited strangers into my imperfect domain.
Someone said my words were impactful. As a writer, that is a huge compliment. Something that affirms that I am on the right path of self-discovery. Sometimes our inspiration comes from a place unexpected. I have been consumed by my recovery from my knee replacement and have neglected my craft. Without nurturing, it wilts similar to a flower, but that word “impactful” spoke to me along with the variety of emails from strangers that shared their own stories and how mine resonated with them. That is powerful.
I think as a writer, satisfaction arises from readers “getting you”. In other words, it connects individuals and grows a foundation of commonality. We aren’t so different from each other. There is a thread that connects us all. Creativity just invited me to continue that thread and I said “yes”.
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