Square Peg ● Round Hole







My youngest son is in a state of transition.   It is the good kind where one is expanding their horizons and finding their own footing outside of their comfort zone.  Bryce is definitely full of surprises lately.  Last night, he came home with the news that he will be auditioning for his high school’s spring musical – The King and I.   He had promised his English teacher who had encouraged him to take a leap of faith with trying out for the production.

I was beaming with pride until he told me that he was trying out on Thursday.   Immediately, I went into preparation mode because this stuff is right up my alley.  I took voice and participated in all kinds of choirs.  I had solos and even competed in our state wide voice competition, so I was a little giddy with his news and terrified because preparation for this type of audition is best served with a few weeks notice.   My son is impulsive when trying new things.

So, we found some sheet music and a monologue.   Tonight, like an exam, he will be cramming and while he might not get a part, I am grateful that he is comfortable enough in his own skin to take a chance.   He is far braver than I was at that age.    It is such a gift to watch him walk his path with a sense of fearlessness and total abandonment regarding the outcome.      He is an excellent teacher and I am a very willing student.