Square Peg ● Round Hole







No one has to inform me of my craziness.  It isn’t a secret that deep within my peaceful facade lies a person with a touch of cray cray.  Some people have witnessed it while dealing with active alcoholism (it wasn’t pretty, but that was my current state of mind) and others have seen it while advocating for Bailey (that is more justifiable).   Today, I like to pair it with a twist of humor because the way the world is evolving, I need every ounce of both.

Yesterday, I received an odd letter regarding my oldest son’s Medicaid.   The problem was it was addressed to him, but laid out the reasons why my youngest son was denied.  My youngest has never been on Medicaid, so that was the first weird component.  Sprinkle it with the reasons he was supposedly denied – not a US citizens plus he was not going to pay taxes and the date of denial was 3/20/2010, so he would have been ten -you have a recipe for me to go a little wacko.

I wasn’t mad per say, but rather confused, frustrated, and a tad amused.  This isn’t the first time our state government  rallies the troops to send out paperwork that is completely wrong.   Normally, since Bailey’s medicaid wasn’t affected, I would ignore it because I don’t want to waste my time, but this time was different.  I thought maybe my insanity needed a little boast plus I was curious.

So I called.   The lady on the other end was confused too.  It is always nice when the people that send you the random letters are just as baffled as you are.   In the end, no one has any idea how this happened.    Which brings me back to our current state of affairs.   The world is crazy.    Our government is crazy.   Thank God I can find a touch of humor amidst the gloom that hovers over us.   My outlook is not dependent on outside circumstances. If it was I would be locked up in a padded room.  Sure, unknown factors can be frightening, but like I have been saying, my corner of the world has enough issues and that is where my focus needs to be.