Square Peg ● Round Hole







Bryce completed his audition. (Refer to the blog post The Audition for clarification).  What I love most about him is his fearlessness mixed with anxiety.  He was way out of his comfort zone, but relished in the moment.  The monologue he conquered with ease, but the singing portion was tricky.   I abstained from giving him any advice or feedback.  Why?  Well, he didn’t ask.   The years of voice training and auditions wasn’t something he wanted advice on and so I took a step back…..reluctantly.

At 4:10, his scheduled audition time, I said a prayer.  In fact, I posted it on social media and had many offer up some prayers for him.   At 4:50, he called me.  Now this is where I get a little mushy.   This sweet 17 year old, simply called to share the experience.  That he was terrified and that he struggled with the singing, but that the pianist was really patient.   He was relieved that he stepped out and took that leap of faith.

Later on, he walked into the bedroom and plopped down which means he wants to talk.   He shared with me that he was so nervous, he said The Serenity Prayer in an effort to soothe the anxiety.  He shared how it worked and that he tries to remember to bring God into the mix in all situations.   In my head, I am thinking……he is really listening to me!  Then, I thought, crap, he is really listening to me.   Sometimes, I am not the best example.

Today, he had the dance auditions.   His attitude isn’t set on getting a part.  He has detached from the outcome, but knows that if he isn’t cast as a performer, he wants to help out in any capacity that they need.   If only I had as much insight and acceptance as he does at that age.

I don’t know what the future holds for him, but I do know that it is such an honor being his mother and that whatever comes of this experience, I am just proud that he went for it.