Square Peg ● Round Hole







I ushered in the new year in typical fashion…..asleep.  My willingness to stay up to midnight ended once I could no longer keep my eyes open until ten and that was years ago. I am pretty confident that the new year would be able to find its way without my assistance.     We turned down numerous invitations to just simply reside at home.  It is a simple tradition of carryout along with pajamas by eight.     Aside from missing Mariah Carey fail at lip syncing, there was little that I missed.

There isn’t much fanfare for waking up to the new year aside from it taking me six months to remember to write 2017 versus 2016.   I know that 2017 has lots of possibilities.  I know that by simply showing up, I will be a recipient.   It is a new beginning.  It is an opportunity not to drag any of my old baggage with me.    Leave it where it belongs……in the past.

I am embracing this new year, not just because it deserves a grand welcome, but because of all it represents.   Not just the good stuff, but also the hard stuff too.    Life isn’t just rainbows and butterflies.  It involves action, follow through, and most of all, the ability to see the good amidst the muck.   If you can change it, do it, but if you can’t, you can always change your perception of it.