Square Peg ● Round Hole







I really have never thought about getting a spray tan.  After all, there really hasn’t been an occasion that would warrant it and so it wasn’t really on my radar.   When we starting planning this tropical excursion, I suddenly became mindful of my pasty skin.  The thought of  plopping down on a lounge chair with the overwhelming glare from my middle-age body made me shudder.

So, I scheduled a spray tan.  The reality is that approaching fifty has kind of thrown me into a realm of trying new things.    This experience can put one into a very vulnerable position.  After all, you are basically baring it all with someone spraying you.  The gratitude is that the woman I went to was someone I already knew.  She had graciously allowed me to feature her home a couple of years ago, so the comfort level was helpful.  Plus, she was flexible on however, I wanted to do it, so I didn’t have to be “au naturel” which to this squishy, pleasantly plump lady,  was the icing on the cake.

What did I think?  I loved it and am now questioning why I haven’t done it earlier.  It was easy, inexpensive, and made me look sun-kissed versus an Oompa-Lumpa.   I have never considered myself vain, but there is an added confidence when your skin glows.

So, there you have it.   I have discovered the fountain of temporary youth.  This sun-kissed woman is ready to embrace the adventure of cruising with a collection of women and will be signing off until I return.    In the meantime, writing ideas will dance in my head.