Square Peg ● Round Hole







I really don’t get enough “girl time”.  Between my work, family, and the list goes on, the time I get to spend with my wide variety of girlfriends is slim.  Yesterday, on a spring like day, I went to a tea.  The setting was one of my friend’s gorgeous homes and will be one of my features when I can convince her.   The scene included her vintage china that belonged to a family member partnered with a variety of teas and treats.   This event was hosted by three creative souls who knew that women gathering is a powerful scene.

I didn’t know everyone, but I was intrigued by meeting those that I had heard so much about.  It is amazing how a group of women can simply sit, sip tea, eat treats and be present.  No distractions.     Most of these women I have known a while.  We are walking a journey together like no other.  This is a genuine support system that soothes our everyday struggles, laughs at life’s hiccups, all without judgement.

Because I live in a house full of men, being girly has escaped my thoughts, so dressing up, sipping from a tea cup with a story, and munching on delicious treats was ideal.   I need feminine energy in my life.   I need that connection and the understanding that only women can provide to each other.

My tribe includes a variety of women.   Some I have known all my life while others have entered with God’s timing in mind.    They inspire me and love me in spite of my flaws.  It was a nice reminder yesterday that my girlfriends feed my soul and allow me to be myself, and that is a gift.