Square Peg ● Round Hole







What I experienced yesterday at my last photo shoot was…..nothing.    It was odd as I chatted with my final homeowner of a ten year career that my emotions were in check.   I left with a sense of closure.   Today, I will write that article and turn in my final three.  In between, I am navigating a new assignment with a team of people I am just getting to know along with other future opportunities on the horizon.

It is quite possible that God has a twisted sense of humor and distracted me from having any sort of feelings about my last day.  Earlier, Brian asked if I could drop him off to pick up his car at the mechanic.  Since it was on my way to the photo shoot, it was ideal.    Right before we were about to leave, I received a phone call from Bailey’s work.  It appears he wasn’t feeling well – stomach issues – so we swung by there to pick him up.   So, this was putting me behind schedule and I could feel myself getting stressed.   When Bailey got in the car, he was all smiles.   Apparently, it was basically a bathroom issue and once he relieved himself, he was fine.    Imagine my stress level at this point.

Now, confident I will be late to my final photo shoot, I text both the homeowner and photographer.      Also, the cars in front of me must have lost their ability to accelerate.  I swear they were going 25 mph in a 45 mph zone.   I was a hot mess.   When we arrived at the mechanics, Brian was screaming “let me out” and basically tried to open the door before I could stop.   His reaction might have been so dramatic because I may or may not have turned in front of a car that might have been a little too close to his side.    The funny thing is that for twenty-seven years, his driving has scared the crap out of me more than I can count, so I am baffled as to why this was a big deal.    After all of my stress and anxiety, I arrived at the homeowner’s house three minutes early.

God provided smoke and mirrors to distract me from the event I had been dreading.    No tears. No sadness. Just a sense of moving forward.    I closed the day with watching my youngest in his high school production of The King and I.  It was the third time I had seen it, but it was the first time I saw it with a fresh set of eyes.