Square Peg ● Round Hole







Today, I woke up with an unusual feeling on a Monday after a vacation……..excitement!   Maybe it was everyone resuming their normal routine and me getting some alone time or quite possibly, it was the anticipation of doing something new.   It is quite plausible it is the freshness of what is unfolding.

Because I have the foundation created at my former place of employment, I have this creative leeway where my input is valuable.  It is exciting to have a voice and that each piece I will be contributing will have a different flavor.   It is quite possible that I was growing bored of my former job and just didn’t realize it.   There is a jolt in my psyche and a bounce in my step along with Ethel Merman singing, “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” in my head.   The last part is odd, but I have no doubt that it is the perfect theme song for how I feel at this moment.

It is interesting how we process difficult situations.  Everyone is different.    I am a firm believer that God has a plan.  Sometimes, wait, all the time, he unveils it like a big surprise.  So, maybe I needed to just be patient.  Maybe I don’t need all the answers at the very moment I demand them.     Truth be told is that we demand those answers because we are fearful, uncertain, and wanting to know how all of this will work out in our best interest.    Sometimes, the answers aren’t exactly what we wanted, but I wonder if we know what we really want.  Oh sure, I think I do, but when life unfolds and I see the end results, I am often surprised at the outcome.   From experience, I would say everything that I stress about, loose sleep over, and so on, turned out perfectly fine.  In fact, in most instances, it turned out better.  God is a much better party planner than I am.  All I have to do is show up and be willing to be in attendance.