Square Peg ● Round Hole







I am baffled at individuals who are not inclined to celebrate their birthdays.   I mean, it is a pretty big deal or a least that is how I was raised.   While there weren’t ponies and over-the-top parties, my parents always made me feel special……that my birth was the greatest thing that ever happened to them.   I continue to carry that feeling with me even if there are those around me who aren’t riding on my bandwagon.

If you aren’t one to celebrate your big day, allow me to share some reasons why it should be acknowledged.    First, the world is a better place with you in it.   It doesn’t escape me that many don’t make it to the ripe age of 50 (or as the T-shirt that my delightful friend Terri gave me…..49 + the middle finger….of course, it is a picture of the middle finger not the words.  Hopefully, you get the visual.)    I am still here spreading my sunshine on most days and on the other days, well, you might just want to hide.

The other reason to celebrate birthdays is to acknowledge how far one has come.  Look, the fact that I am not in prison for murder is reason to break out the confetti.   I have walked through some crap and have come out the other side.   I have kept moving even when the heaviness was too much to handle.

And even when two of my family members woke up today completing forgetting that this was my big day, I was greeted by an affectionate hug and a “how’s the birthday girl?” from my favorite twenty-two year old which made up for the annoyance that was brewing.  You see, Bailey gets the gist on celebrating.   He lives everyday as if it were a party because of his natural zest for life.

If you aren’t inclined to sprinkle your special day with a celebratory attitude, remember you are a gift to everyone in your life.    Appreciate the wisdom that you gain each year.  Acknowledge how far you have come and finally, get rid of those that weigh you down.     Life isn’t meant to be associated with toxicity.  Instead, gather with those people that bring the confetti minus the drama.