So, today is the day. Our excursion to travel the same path as those who lost their lives in the Holocaust. It will be an exploration that will start in Germany, travel to Poland, extend to the Czech Republic and then wind its way to Austria. As I write this, I am packed and relishing the quiet. This will be one of the last blog entries – I have one scheduled to be published tomorrow – until I return in a little less than thirteen days which leaves me a tad empty.
I am not going to lie. This practice of writing each day fills me up. It is the thread the connects me to other people. It also might be an addiction – a good one, if there is such a thing. The absence of this morning routine will most likely be filled with putting pen to paper in my journal. This blog is really like a diary – a very public diary – that I willingly share. It also keeps me honest because I am unable to write anything that isn’t authentically me.
I have no doubt the stories that I will have to tell will be full of emotion. I want those who take the time to read my rants, to feel as if they are a part of my journey. So, during this time I won’t be spreading my delightful sunshine to all, I hope that you all live in the moment, embrace whatever struggles you are walking through, but most of all, don’t be an asshole. The world is full of those and to be honest, we don’t need anymore. So, be kind to one another.
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