Square Peg ● Round Hole







I will be honest……I love birthdays, but especially MY birthday.  Always have.   Even as my 50th is quickly approaching, I am giddy with anticipation.  Hell, it is only a number and life is beyond wonderful.  Even the crappy stuff makes me value the good moments even more.   Last night, my husband and two of “my people” pulled off an epic surprise party for me.    The party wasn’t even the best part, it was the collective group gathered who make up my tribe.

Everyone deserves to have those people in your life that inspire, empower, lift you up, and have your back.  Each person at that party has done everyone of those things in different stages of my life.     When I first walked in I was overwhelmed with emotion that resonated deep within me.    From my “lying” spouse and children who created their own alibis to my two adoring friends that wanted to make me feel special, I am beyond humbled.

We all know that we are loved, but there are those moments when the actions of others practically scream it.    I don’t even have the words to describe the potpourri of emotions that are still percolating within me, but I will sum it up by saying this:   Everyday is a celebration of life.  Know that you are special.  You are loved.   Surround yourself with the very best people because you deserve that.  You deserve a tribe of individuals who appreciate how unique you are.    Celebrate that.  Celebrate your individuality and only bring in those people who love you even when you aren’t the best version of yourself.

I have those people and I don’t take them for granted.  What I will say is that it is definitely a reminder to put aside more time for them.   Making an effort to gather together more regularly because that is what fills me up.   Cultivating relationships complete my circle in life and that gives me a grateful heart.