Years ago, I settled down on a Sunday afternoon to create my first vision board. What’s a vision board, you ask? It is simply a place where one puts things that they would like to see materialize in their lives. Yesterday, I armed myself with rubber cement, an armful of magazines, poster board along with – pardon the pun- a vision. It was like an adult arts and crafts moment. Scrolling through the magazines, I found words like “inspire” or phrases like “Life is full of moments… in them”, along with photos of remodeled kitchens and places to travel. Basically, all of the things that I want to invite in to my life. It can be as frivolous or as profound as you choose – or both in my case.
I know there are individuals who think this process is ridiculous. That’s cool. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I have seen those glossy words and images come to fruition. On my last vision board, I had a photograph of Rome on it. A place that I always wanted to visit, and a year later, I was standing in the very place that the photograph depicted. Very cool, if you ask me.
I am following my God nudges during my transition time. He wants me to focus on wellness, I started to exercise. He inquired about what I want to see in my life, I made a vision board. He wants me to focus, I got back into my meditation practice. It is all about paying attention. Sometimes I have an issue following directions because I think I know best. Today, at this moment, His GPS seems to be a whole lot better than mine.
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