Square Peg ● Round Hole







Last night, I opted not to travel to Northern Kentucky to see Bryce’s high school football team scrimmage.   There were a lot of reasons for my decision, but if we were doing a Dave’s top ten, number one would be “I WANT TO BE ALONE.”   There were a lot of opinions sprinkled around about how I should go because it is his senior year, but there are plenty of other opportunities to show up.   Besides, again, I wanted to be ALONE.

I had the evening planned with binge watching, maybe reading a book, eating yummy foods and being in my pajamas.  But, then the phone rang and I saw it was my Mom.  I would be dishonest if I didn’t say up front that I sighed really loud and said, “shit” before answering.   I knew instantly that there was something up as I had already talked with her earlier.    Her tone was frantic as she couldn’t get the oven to turn off and to make matters worse, the oven door had locked.  So, I shed my organic, bamboo pajamas that feel like silk against my skin for a pair sweat pants and a t-shirt to head to my Mother’s house.   In my head, I am literally a toddler throwing a tantrum.  In my heart, I am simply sad that this eyesight lose is taking away her ability to be independent.

When I get there, she was sitting at the table enjoying her dessert.  Unconcerned about the smell of the oven and the heat that it is exuding.   I hit clear/off…..nothing.   I get the instruction manual which was useless, then I remembered that the it is on its own circuit breaker, so I went down and simply turned it off and told her we would come back to figure it out.    All she said was, “I have always hated that oven.”

As I left, I felt overwhelmingly grateful that I opted out of going to the football scrimmage.  This was the place I was suppose to be.  With that being said, I probably broke the speed limit trying to get home to jump back into my delightful pajamas and continue enjoying the quiet that permeated my home.

My point to all of this is that when I approach any situation with an attitude of “this too shall pass”, I am better equipped to deal with it in a loving manner as opposed to a cranky toddler who didn’t get her way.    In the end, I enjoyed the rest of my evening without taking anyone emotionally hostage.  To me, that is a win!